Tuesday, June 15, 2010


as well as Gaydon last weekend was also the revised date for the Barcelona bus rally and our friend Albert Gonzalez Masip has kindly sent us some photographs and a description of the event. It is interesting to see another take on our hobby from other countries. Leading was Albert's Austin which I had the pleasure of assisting the purchase of and compliments Albert's Citroen Light 15 which is his other city run around!

I enclose some pics on the buses, early in the morning, before lots of people were there. I was in the organization. Later we run in the middle of the rally with the Austin, which wears a strange rally plate '00'. At my left there is another chap of the org. this one coming from Sagales, the second rally organizer and provider of the older buses.
The oldest bus was a 1909 Hispano Suiza -despite the tyres- and there were a Ford and a Chevy from 1928 as well as another Chevy from 1933, this one in green livery. Followed a 1940 Dodge in red livery from former CGA company and from there the 1955 Chausson and a lot of Pegaso including 3 artics. The Pegaso exGratallops club was now in the TMB fleet and has been painted in old two tne green livery.

We enjoyed a very sunny day despite the heavy rain forecast...

Last night we went over to Liverpool and enjoyed Tina May's somewhat jazz inspired interpretation of Edith Piaf's music. A bit of a lop sided portrayal but good to get an airing of timeless Piaf numbers in Britain. It only took about 45 minutes to get to the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, a lovely building really original 1939 features and we hope to catch a concert there some time this coming season. Of course this meant nothing got done on the editing front, I hope to make amends today, it's a lovely sunny start although I've got to see the doctor later with the continued problems on my leg, knee, foot etc.

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