Sunday, August 15, 2010


Dundee with clear blue skies amongst the highlights of the weekend in Scotland. A hairy return this eveing when a car overtaking us had a tyre blow out and span around a few yards in front, frightening stuff. It was really quiet today at Lathalmond, all in takings down about 25% on the weekend, only probably viable now if we just go up on the Saturday and don't stay over, I think the fine weather kept numbers down as it was the last weekend of the Scottish scholll holidays. Had a reply on last blog with a diatribe from someone who felt I had complained about him, couldn't find anything that refered to something like that so really mystified. People seem to think you are a big business rather than pursuing a shared hobby, is it really worth the bother with the blog at all, better things to do with my precious time that getting slasgged of by some plonker I don't know. The fine weather continmued all the way back to Cheshire. It was good having a pint with fellow stall holders and with Pat and Norman at Loch Fitty cottage. The meal at the Trout and Claret was spoilt be being put next to the cheast with spare glasses etc when they had to keep leaning over us, othewise eclellent food there. East at the halfway hotel on Saturday, very filling steak pie, Graham Mitchell  thought the same. The Ebay sale is going weel, large reduction is to catch as many buyers as possible and let them have details of the new website

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