Wednesday, August 11, 2010


starts with a winter day in Ireland, myself and Mandy a few years back now then a reminder of my days working in the North East when I used to catch a few snaps at lunch time in Stockton. Finally a hint of things to come , Mandy and myself on our first Guernsey trip , again a good few years ago. Busy listing more DVDs direct from PMP on our website, now getting over 100 hits a day, the PMP shop is proving very popular, so easy to pay with paypal highly recommeded if you want simplicity of shopping. I'm removing many DVDs from EBay, those which have not sold a single copy on there in over 16 months. New clips going on Youtube this week, see Stokes Bay rally, Portsmouth, and trucks at Dover Harbour. Just collected stock photos for Lathalnmondon Saturday, most have never been printed up for sale before, hoping to have around 2000 photos over the weekend plus our usual specialist Scottish stock at a very special sale price of just £10 per DVD, never cheaper. There are a couple of boxes of reduced general stock items at £8 each. The regular stock should include most of my recent adventures up to East Kent providing I get the covers done. Raining today but hope to get some weeds cleared this evening, back much better , osteopath this afternoon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, do you have DVDs of North East buses similar to the photos on the blog?