Wednesday, August 04, 2010


our last batch of blog photos for Stokes Bay last Sunday, next I'll try and bring you some Portsmouth from Saturday. Today I added another batch of DVDs to our own PMP shop via Paypal, they are seamlessly listed and available through our new website which nearly a hundred people visited yesterday, a record. I hope that you will appreciate this easy to navigate method, lots of work to get around 1000 loaded up. I hope to drop films from EBay as many people will know I hate that site but it will remain with a few popular oldies as bargain basement. I've got two boxes of cheap DVDs at £8 ready for Herne Bay rally Sunday and Lathalmond the next weekend. I've also put all my Scottish  file negs into be printed for Lathalmond. We are finishing off the 'extras' for both rallies, we have a special Scottish stock as we do with trucks. If you have a truck event and would like PMP there why not get in touch. Actually we would welcome someone to take on the commercial rally sales for us as they often clash with bus do's. I picked up a load of negs to digital from ASDA when I dropped off the Scottish file. It's a long haul getting stuff trimmed and loaded. I've a couple of work jobs to do this evening after a bit of weeding and then filling up the vulture food in the bird hangers, must have a flock of Eagles as well as the resident woodpecker, they get through so much each day.

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