Thursday, September 04, 2008

Memories aint what they were

Northwich , now there was a bus station and depot and no hassles filming!

Usual on the weather front, horrid. I hope Mandy will drag me off to The Three Greyhounds tonight as I think we need a drink, I'm now on a diet , no potatoes at all, weight loss does not seem to be happening as quickly as usual but I'm being very good so far and not a biscuit in sight in the office. Last night I got the first of John Bishop's Netherlands trip edited through to DVD status, it covers Amsterdam, Utrecht and Arnhem. Lots still to go and masses of museum cars not normally seen.

Huge projects still abound like 1000 videos to transfer to DVD, where do we start. I signed up fort the new shop on EBay and got the Pro Manager sales page instead of my normal status, I quickly de-listed and got out and back to normal, less is more with that outfit whose goggledegook would defeat a genius which I'm not. Goodness knows what will happen when it all changes on 24th September.

As expected it was far to wet to get on the garden, prospects ahead are equally grim. Managed to get a check up at dentists booked, I'd heard nothing but then it turned out that their records showed it due 2009 not 2008, oh boy nothing is easy. I've ordered up the part to repair my camcorder cannibalised to fix the base plate on my main unit, that’s taken months to sort. Spoke to Royal mail today, I've now got a contact in the security branch who is going to try and monitor any losses of DVDs in future rather than their customer services department who are a pain in the neck.

It still seems quiet at work, the summer holidays seem to have gone on forever with staff off. With the low value of sterling I'm putting next years travelling on hold other than our China trip which is already finalised, our hoped for destinations include Canada and Spain but we'll see what happens. Christmas 09 will be at home or in Ireland, that’s only the third time since 1980 but now my work commitments are more flexible we'd like to travel around parts of Australia better suited to our autumn time, plus of course Christmas carries an horrendous premium. Before our trip to Fiji and New Zealand this December we still have Syria in October.

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