Monday, September 08, 2008


we move on from Halifax on Saturday afternoon
and next have sunny old Keighley, no less

sunshine remains in pretty low quantity today, yet another dreary, cloudy wee. I started the day / week bad, an Ebay story, again. A slagging off, I'm underhand, what is my crime, chap sent his son to ask for DVDs at Heaton Park and they weren't as cheap as on Ebay sale, well forgive mew for letting anyone have stuff on offer. Blessed Ebay always brings out the meanest streaks in people, never again to auction, a shops bad enough. Anyway at least its a hobby aned I don't make a living from it, hence my easy solution, he's banned from PMP, yes Victor Meldrew strikes again folks, well can you blame me. It was good to be in the clean and warm aftrer Heaton Park, even if sales were buoyant.

Lots of progress on my family trees , updated regularly on (its British as well), easier to look up trees than on Ancestry, all those bloomin Mormons in Salt Lake City, makes you shudder doesn't it, imagine them all in their suits with bibles and a copy of Watchtower, makes you want to head for a cave in Afghanistan eh. The old knees given me some pain today, it was hell at work, oh for a decent rest.

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