Thursday, July 22, 2010


yes spot the odd man out with 7 from Oxford last Saturday and the other from Reading ;later the sane day, masses of new 10 reg buses although the next reg will be out very soon now 6 months having passed very quickly. My first day drug free after I kicked the last painkiller and survived the day after an admittedly rough night. Heavy rain from Merseyside through Cheshire, its the 3rd awful day in a row at work hoping it stops soon, you can tell its nearly kids holiday time. Well after shoot out at the OK corral the cops get off free once more with the chap murdered at the demo, love our cops of boy don't I just, not a civil word from any of them normally except the two nice young ladies in Shrewsbury a couple of years back who were a shining example of how to court public support. Three Greyhounds night and we've actually got someone coming to look at the house, second in two years!

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