Thursday, March 05, 2009


a few odds and ends from my recent German DVDs, nothing much really on the photo line to add. We awoke to snow and black ice this morning, I got into the doctors just after 9 this morning, Mandy's wound wept a bit overnight but otherwise is ok although Mandy pulled a muscle today. My strain is also on the mend. I'm just finishing Dave Cole;s 1991 East Germany trip, next on the runway is Richard and Kath Lomas's trip to the DDR in 1987, what gems there were still running then. Still waiting for a weather check to decide on Saturday's target, might get Nottingham and Derby done, we'll see. The next weekend I've my sister coming to stay and my birthday on the Monday after that our first weekend open air event, hope it gets warmer. Weather in Beijing still about 6 and snowing, again hope it improves before Easter.

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