Thursday, February 19, 2009


following on from yesterday then Eastbourne Southdown depot buses circa 1976

thought I'd best get today's epistle out of the way as I guess tonight we'll be eating, drinking and enjoying have Sean and Hil staying en route back to Ireland after their South African adventures. Time seems very tight this week, editing the Devon and Cornwall bus archive is a massive job on its own. Tues and Weds Auf Weidersehn Pet takes up an extra hour but is relaxing and quite nostalgic, especially as much of my working life has been based in building site huts of various standards.
Grabbing some picks off negs is an easy and hopefully interesting way of filling gaps when I've failed to record our daily lives. I've bought the new computers today, a new high capacity multi featured PC for PMP and a laptop for Mandy. With a list on board her laptop Mandy should be able to steer customers through their requirements over the phone and do her own look ups plus of course all the chat and e stuff she feels up to. Talking of which a lot of Facebook derived stuff is bouncing about mainly from family. I still haven't come to grips with it and haven't really the time, especially as I already do this daily blog, anyone who expects a reply use e mail please.
I have continued to list on Youtube but clips often attract very abusive comments, why oh why would anyone who has no interest sit and watch a bus film and then write to profanitise on it ( like that one, new word, quite American eh). With John ( hop along and sniffle) and Maureen ( hop along beside John) Bishop with us Friday it’s a busy weekend ahead and indeed a quick change of bedding on Friday. John wants to see the remains of Preston Bus on Saturday, still thinking about remainder of day, possible Blackburn and whatever, we'll see.
The log ons to the blog have been falling recently, hope people still find it mildly interesting or of uses. The Shetland arrangements have been concluded, just need car parking at Glasgow and need reg of new car for that which isn't die until March earliest, Mandy's, mine, well who knows. Must get Chinese visa form filled in this weekend. Picked up lager this morning in Sainsbury's at 9.30 between work locations, filthy look from cashier, I did try and explain I wouldn't exactly be drinking either myself or anyone until later but she didn't look impressed.
Discussion in pubs ( we'll miss Greyhound tonight) often centres around fate of the bankers, stringing up or shooting seems favourite , and they've all got away with it and we've provided the cash to keep their rollers on the road, ah democracy a wonderful thing. Next topic Richard's Guinea Pig, spoilt pet and Alec's bonhomie ( sic). I'm reading a booking 'Watching The English'. An anthropologist's views on our habits :- weather talk a great opening line to greet people and overcome our reserve, generally agree on the opening statement, nice day, a bit warmer today, yes isn't it… however some people are just perverse ( Alec), nice day, a bit warmer, Alec..'too warm for me, I like it cold, warmth isn't everything etc. Might call in for dinner Sunday night, anyone else got a favourite pub, in fact anyone around the world interest in ours, how British an institution is it. Will there be any left soon? In fact is there anyone out there at all.

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