Thursday, February 26, 2009


The last of my shots from Milton Keynes last Saturday, multi lingual but how did the Poles find it?

If we lived in China I'm sure some of these people who have diverted billions into their own personal accounts by way of bonuses or straight theft would be facing the chop whilst in Britain the worst they can expect is a morning's grilling by a Commons committee of fellow cronies.
Anyway our judicial system is busy prosecuting a 71 year old for roller skating in a shopping precinct in Southport and what about the lady who clipped a yob around the ear with her papers, again facing the wrath of the law. Bloody political correctness, it's gone so far that those in airy fairy places think it's real life.
Then what about that release from the American camp in Cuba, sent back to Britain, why do we want him back, he isn't British , he just lived here once, can't have like it as he'd beggared off to Afghanistan and of course accidentally got mixed up with the blokes with funny hats, beards and guns, talking of which seems like half of our own ethnics really.

One in ten of us it seems weren't born in Britain, that’s a whopping lot of millions of strangers here, far too many to be just welcome guests, more an invasion. For the chavs and scroungers and drug addicts we could give one free shot at reform then send them to lead our lads in the front line in Afghanistan as cannon fodder or even train as plumbers to take over from the Poles who have had the good sense to return home. Surprising then that you still find them in Leicester and Milton Keynes, how the hell did they get there, even English people don't know where Milton Keynes is, its true I heard them talking last weekend.

Wouldn't it be nice if we got the freedom of speech in Britain, if only for a few weeks leading up to elections then the majority of ordinary people could tell politicians what they really wanted and who we wanted in our country. Would any other nation ban native people from speaking their minds whilst letting a bunch of wild eyed religious fanatics from the other side of the world spout off against their host country.

Now as Alf Garnett, To Death Us Do Part, hero of the masses once said recalling our glory days, when we had Ramsey as archbishop he told it to em straight and still had time to run the English football team, what do mean you stupid moo, and shut up you long haired scouse git, it was all you darlin Harold's fault. Bet they never repeat old Alf in telly.

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