Friday, November 10, 2006


I've posted little on family history so far, so in the hope that there are Vincents out there of my clan heres a taste of researcher Gill Blanchards work for me, taking my direct ancestry from my mother back to the 1400s,

NCC Will. 1546. Henry Vyncent. Westfelde, husb. 155 to 159 Whyteffott
Précis 8 pages

The xx daye of Februarye in the yere ccccc xlo I Henrye VYNCENT of Westfelde Norff Husbandman .....
my bodye to be buryed in the churche of sent Andrew in Westfelde at the end of ower Ladyes aultar on the Northe Side of the saide churche
to the hye altar in Westfelde affore saide for my tythes and dutyes neclygentlye forgotton and not paide iijs iiijd .....
to the towns peoppe of Westfelde afore saide a close calleyd dunyngs lying in (?.... ?.....) belonging to the ten~t of barronet HOLDER of the bishoppe of Cly as of his manner of Shipdhm And ther to enter at the fest of Sent Mychaell the Archangell next after the daye of my dischr and myn executors to sell the grounde there to them and I give the inhabitants of Westfelde aforesaide & x marks to be payed yerelye a mark untyll the saide x marks be fully contented and payed .....
to the awltar at Shypdhm afforesaide xxd
myn executors shall dispose to the poor folke in Est Derehm to paye for the sowle of Syr Roger BALKEWELL late pryar there xxd
to the mayntnance of the Sepulter lyght in Westfelde aforesaide vijs viijd
my executors shall cover my grave wt a grave stone of marble whereupon it wyll have graven my name and the daye of my buryall in brasse
my executors immediatelye after my buryall daye shall leye uppon my grave a blacke clothe to cover it wt all and a candell to stande bernning thereupon of a quarter a pounde of waxe by the space of one yere untyll the said stone be layede upon my saide grave
my executors shalbe stowe upon my buryal Daye iijli xjs viijd in meate and drinke for my neybors and pore folke And I wyll have on my herse on the saide Buryall day xxxti lyghts the prce of xxd
I wyll that and my neybors and pore folke shall have meate and drinke on my sevynthe daye and such howsehold in Westfelde Whynboroghe and (?.... ?.....) a peny worthe of brede and xx lyghte to be sett upon my herce the pryce vd
on my xxx daye in lyke manr wt .... and yf there come any preeste and saye masse I wyll that evry one of them shall have for ther labor xxjd
I wyll that x yeares After the daye of my dethe shalbe delt yerely at my funerall daye evry howseholde in Westfilde Whinborgh and (?.... ?.....) aforesaide a penye worthe of brede
I wyll have an honest secular payt to sing at ower Ladyes aultar in Westfelde aforesaide one hooll yere next after my decisse having for his labor and payn vijs and for a ladde to helpe him to sing iijs iiijd ...............
I wyll that Ales Vyncent my wyff shall have my ten~t called Popes and the iij acres of mydow there unto belongyng for term of her lyf And xij dayes after her dethe And to have sufficient wood of stewings to be delyvyd unto her by myn executors yerely for her sufficient svell during her lyff so that she make no wast of the wood there ......
Ales my saide wyff shall have ij ?...he kem and the holl stuffe in the Insett howse that is to saye all bedding brasse wt all and pwyler stuff ......
to Ales SALUSBERYE the dowter of Peter SALUSBERY xiijs iiijd to be payed at her daye of mariage And if she dye to Remayn to the next of her blode
to Katherin SKYNNER my dowter all my messe and copyeholde lands sevrallye holden of the bisshoppe of Clye and of Clye and of Syr Richard SOWTHWELL Knyght except the saide closse called dunnings ....
And I wyll that Robert SKYNNER howseband of the saide Katherin shall make the saide Katherin an assurans for terme of her lyff .....
that the saide Peter SALUSBERYE husband of the said Johan shall make the saide Johan an assurance for terme of her lyfe .....
my Messuage in Est Derehm wt the appurtencs wyth pcell of ij Messuags which I late bowght of John METTEN of Shyppdhm and Allso xi acres and an halfe of Fre lande called Tymmes and vij acres and an halfe of Fre lande of the ten~t if popys And ij acres and an halfe of Fre lande lyeing in (?dinds percys) and iiij acres of lande fre at Heyacrees in Westfelde be solde by myn executors and the mony thereof to be disposed of in the pformances of this my Testament
to Godfrye VYNCENT the ^Sone of John VINCENT vis viiijd to be payed as it maye be borne
And to Henry VYNCENT the Sonne of the saide John VYNCENT vis viiijd to be payed as it maye be borne
to Margaret (?ALLESOLL) vis viiijd to be payed at the daye of her marryage
to Edmund PELLYS vis viiijd and to Henrye FLEGGE vis viiijd to be payed as it maye be borne
to Richard ROSE and his syster vis viiijd to be payed at the daye of ther mariage
And to evry one of my godchildren that be unmaryed one platter of pewter the pryce of xijd
The residue of all my goods an cattalles before not bequeathed wtall my detts to be coming I put them to the good order and disposition of my executors whom I do ordain and make Robert SKYNNER of Boston my Sone in Lawe And I wyll that John ALYSON of Westfelde be Supervisor and I give to yche one of them for ther labors xiijs iiijd ....
Thomas MYSCHELL of Est Dereh~m otherwise called BARKER. Jamys PYEEC of the same town John DYE of Westfelde and John CHAPMA~ of the same towne wtesses
Proved xx Maij [1546]

Perhaps this will be as far as we get but there is a chance that manorial records will puch back even further

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