Wednesday, July 29, 2009


a few negs scanned, straight from the scan, the old AEC rally at Nottingham, so one for the truck fans for a change

I popped into work today, picked up more CDs at Asda, got my hair cut, went to bank, filled car - someone has knocked into front of bumper on the pavement outside our house, presume a by cycle, what else. Nothing much by way of orders today, catching up as I've been out for hours. Weather remains lousy though, thunderous black sky and heavy rain and lashing winds, what a summer. Started a Best Ever Portsmouth to launch on Sunday at Stokes Bay, make sure you are there if I'm making the effort to get there!!!. Still got covers to do on DVDs and some listings to get on EBay. I've got a lot of 'new' Southdown photo stock which I'll bring to Stokes Bay as well.

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