Thursday, May 21, 2009


Yesterday the Insignia car was in Mobility Conversions at Salford for adaption, it took all day and we went to collect it around 3.30, driving down the road all was well until I tried braking, the rod which connects to the brake stopped my leg from reaching the pedal, highly illegal and no fit for propose, tried ringing them back but they must have shut up shop after we left. Mandy has driven the car back there this morning whilst I have brought Mandy's into work. No doubt the story will rattle on for days but we need the car for the trip to Glasgow on Saturday., Mandy has just rung, they are going to move the adaption or put an offset on the rod, I suspect that this is one of the first adaption on the new Insignia.

Talking of things which don't deliver I'll take up the subject of Onion Ring, this is a supposed review of restaurants and pubs in the North West of England, however it is a paid for advertising stunt and accepts no independent reviews unless they are complimentary. Even our local the Three Greyhounds subscribes and advertises in this travesty, shame on them. Our recent visit to the Dog Inn Peover Heath illustrates the point, the reviews on Onion Ring are actually several years old, I've not had such bad pub food since the Swettenham Arms fiasco , another over rated Cheshire pub cum restaurant. Cheshire standards can be abysmal and are constantly over priced. At least peoples blogs give a genuine view on the world biased at times but usually honest from thier own perspective.

Talking of perspective when we went to Salford yesterday the BNP we electioneering, that's something unusual for any political party before a European election as boredom usually prevails. The current political climate recalls the Hamilton family we had at Tatton when Martin Bell got in, Mandy says she'd have Martin Bell back tomorrow, he was a very good local MP for Tatton for sure. Well we followed an old tipper van, it had lots of noise and model pigs on the back, this was the BNP bandwagon, in front a late 4x4, no doubt with their bouncers. Whatever anyone's frustrations and right leaning inclinations the BNP is a bunch of skin head thugs and bullies and not worthy of a single vote.

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