Friday, May 15, 2009


some more images of Newcastle upon Tyne the other weekend when it was sunny, this week we called off our South Wales trip due to horrendous weather forecast, thank goodness as its got worse, chucking it down at home today and miserable. Not sure if we'll do anything tomorrow bus wise, lots of gardening to attend to though, last night before we went to Three Greyhounds I got another wheelie bin filled with weeds from borders. With the soaking its looking good for planting out bedding plants. Went to Halle at Bridgewater hall on Wednesday, it was one of the Halle children / schools nights, fidgeting little sods near us spoilt the second haldf completely, still can't really blame them for trying with ever aging audience Manchester struggles to fill Bridgewater, goodness knows what will happen if they go ahead with northern base for Royal Opera here. New car, finally got the seat adjusted to comfortable!

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