Monday, December 14, 2009



I've decided that the T&UT ( Modern Tramways) offers poor value on it's adverts and have dropped our monthly quarter page. This in no way indicates a lessening off of our tram and trolleybus releases, indeed output is higher than ever and lots of exciting trips lined up for 2010.

Our slap bang up to date list appears on our website

which is easily searchable by content, region etc. Advertising is a bottomless pit you could stand and throw money into. I can't recall the last time a new customer quoted a TUT advert, a majority of sales are now via Amazon or EBay. There are direct hyperlinks to our shop on the list. I shall also add links to Youtube clips at some stage. Occasionally I get people requesting printed lists, its been several years since the last one was produced, again a waste of money with the net is almost free. Even for those without home computers most libraries offer free assess.

This also brings into focus other advertising locations, Buses magazine is hideously expensive for our half page monthly advert, I've looked at Bus & Coach preservation which is much better value but has it the readership and i also noticed at Manchester Boyle St that they promote competitors DVDs. Most annoying are the ' cherry picker' DVD producers who concentrate on the honey pot locations, seldom do they reach the far corners of the British Isles let alone give worldwide coverage

Much better value this past year has been the adverts in Classic Commercial magazine which has brought us a whole new customer base.

I did some filming at Calais and St Quentin at the weekend. I noticed Amiens had some attractive new buses but had no time to film them. Amiens is one of the smaller contenders for a future french tram line.

Orders continue to pour in via Amazon, our biggest growth area plus as ever via EBay although I've held off putting new releases on as its much poorer value for me than Amazon and their site is cumbersome to use as a retailer and customer support laughable.

The Vauxhall Insignia didn't reach it's first service without having to go into the garage where it resides this morning. I've got a chesty cold which i could do without. Tired after a hectic weekend, tonight I return to my consultant Mr Geary to get results of MRI and XRays on my knee and right foot.

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