Tuesday, August 19, 2008


photos from my latest truck DVD on Egypt 1996
El Alamein museum

It was like autumn getting up this morning, dark, cloudy, windy and of course wet, this doesn’t bode well for my intended extra days next weekends but at least the book launch / signing will be inside. I'm still chasing to find when I can pick up copies and also waiting for flyers to be printed allowing people to order or gift signed copies. When I have a couple of days away the hits on the blog plummet for a while, I do try and warn that I'm out often at weekends, thus weekdays are the best to pick up on what's happened.
This time I interrupt Scottish coverage to show the cover photos grabbed from the video of our last truck film Egypt 1996. I've a couple of urgent DVDs to make replacing missing or damaged masters then I'll get Lathalmond done, Inverness was finished last night. I also managed to get all my magazine adverts sent out between catching up on the TV soaps. We've ordered 30 new plastic boxes for our rally stock of DVDs. In advance of a round of truck event attendance for 2009 we'll use some of the old ones to host a special truck stock, in fact we'd be interested in hearing from anyone who would like to promote PMP at truck events as time is obviously at a premium for us, since starting advertising in truck mags its really taken off and youtube hits exceed anything else we have on the site, mind you I think the conversion from Youtube hit to purchase is chronic
We had a neutral review on an Ebay transaction, only the second since we started which has knocked us down to 99.5%, not bad you may think but unjustified on both occasions, indeed each was auction rather from the shop. My opinion of ebay auctions continues to plummet, wretched affairs and the seller now has little defence against poor review blackmail, supposedly banned by Ebay but rampant.
Hoorah, the best comes last as it has now been confirmed that I can pick the book up from the printers in Trowebridge Friday afternoon ready for the launch on Sunday, so if you come along to the Hellingly Festival Of Transport you can get a signed copy.

A long amusing and sometimes sad letter from George Roberts, I'll try and scan it as George isn't of the email generation, another old soldier bus enthusiast treated shoddily by the British police gestapo, belive me my friends in China you have more freedom than we do these days!Last one to leave the country turn out the lights!

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