Thursday, September 09, 2010


very busy at work today, tied up in meetings and Mandy was at Polio Fellowship meetings and getting Hil's heirlooms valued at Bonhams, sadly not going to make her fortune, oh well. Anyway  a dip into the old archive at random and we have my graduation at Preston myself with Mandy and our two mothers, was that about 1990 , not far off and that ties in with the rest of the batch which features Hil with Mandy's  Ally/Allegretacoming down the page photos from our visit to Denmark in 1990 scenes of which are I think on DVD although not sure, haven't the energy to consult my own list. I'll have the kosovo bus trailer on YouTube shortly and then rattle off Kosovo and Macedonian truck film, its all go here at PMP headquarters where the other half of the 'staff' is cooking dinner. We'll get packed tonight for Italy. Record number of website hits today, it was 256 when I looked first thing guess it neared the 300 mark before the day ( measured in US time) finished.

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