Tuesday, September 07, 2010


the post buses in fill yellow livery were just one of the highlights of Prestina ( Kosovo) buses, each line is run by a separate company and each vehicle could be completely different.
perhaps this is the only part of the world where Tony Blair is adored, likewise Bill Clinton who also has a statue
before we leave Prestina a look at the pedestrianised centre of the city and then views from the bus window which left at 6am from Tirana which took us to Kosovo, yes it's all reverse order to keep you on your toes.
last night I got the first of the Albanian films finished, clip on YouTube this evening. Then after the buses and trains I'll aim to get the truck one also done tonight. Its taken a bit longer than usual but we'll get there in the end. I got a lot more photos loaded onto files, picked up several digitised films from ASDA. It was a very windy day and a wet night, garden a little forlorn, my back is slowly improving once more.

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