it was Cobham Blossom Bus, compare with Snowbus last year, a great day, sales up yet again, two events in a row, recession smashing all the way with great bargains and even lower prices at PMP, notice EBay and Amazon have also been busy, remember we are away from Wednesday next for a couple of weeks on the China trip. We went down on Saturday and filmed at Oxford first, lots of new 09 buses then on to Reading, nothing brand new but plenty of fresh liveries and route branding, arrived at Epsom around teatime then spent lovely evening with Auntie Joan Vincent and family before returning to hotel for a pint of Guinness before bed. Up 6 am and at Wisley for 7, set up stand and used the same spot as in the snow for the arrivals which worked very nicely. There were lots of friends there, John and Maureen came up from Sussex, cousin Stephen and Carol came, their first bus rally ever, will they ever forget it.