Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Nice trams on Saturday, just the one line, I walked all but the last three stops. I had to go to doctors last night, arthritis in my left knee is confirmed but there is little they can do. The residents of Nice seemed to like the trams, beware payment machine only accepts coins, no notes and no shop will give change, I ended up buying a postcard to split a note. No hassles and friendly drivers, unusual arrangements at northern end where you can see through darkened glass into main depot interior.

heres a link to my book, you can now see the cover, even put your order in , why not be amongst the first to receive a copy.

trying to get garden tidied and damage from last weeks gales rectified. weekend forecast horrendous for North Weald, all sounds familiar, remember 2007. Anyway I hope a few of you make it, our friend Albert Gonzalez Masip from Barcelona will be joining us there.

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