Friday, September 24, 2010


sorry can't upload photos today as Google have had another brainstorm to ruin our routine, can't get a blessed thing on now, hoping they scrap it straight away. Anyway I got caught in a multi car pile up soon after leaving work last night, 40 cars involved in bad weather on the M56 near Stanlow.I was in the midst of cars spinning around me but thankfully emerged body and car unscathed. We went down the Three Greyhounds for our usual Thursday night drink , the place was dead, I really don't think it has a future. The temporary manager has yet to speak to us, we have only glimpsed him once. I've started editing the Italian material and all covers for DVDs are ready. Hope to see many of you at Showbus on Sunday, I'm packing the car ready tonight as well as hopefully mowing lawns!

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