Thursday, August 19, 2010


first off some unashamedly advertising snaps of recent releases, by tonight I will be up to date with all current filming onto DVD. Today I went with Mandy to the Alexandra hospital in Cheadle about her continuing Tennis Elbow which the consultant said was best left a while longer to see if it cleared itself before going for an injection.
The bad news came yesterday evening when George Crompton phoned to say that our regular pub the three Greyhounds at Allostock had shut without notice. This has of course thrown the staff including Dianne George's daughter out of work and our regular Tuesday night haunt has gone at present. A temporary arrangement for regulars to meet at the Crown in Lower Peover tonight which is just around the corner. Can't say we were that surprised as the Greyhound landlord had little interest in the place, its not the first time it has had sudden upheavals. The Crown in turn has a landlady who is a little too much in view. The birds have nearly emptied all the feeders in just 24 hours, refill tonight dependent on the heavy rain stopping for a few minutes. I hope to get some material uploaded onto our website shop.

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