Sunday, July 11, 2010


yes just arrived back home, unloaded car and had beans on toast, seeking something other than football on television as the world cup is on both main UK channels tonight, yawn. It's been a marvellous weekend in East Anglia, scorching weather up in the 90s, that's 32 for you metric types. Started down at Felixstowe harbour where the heat bounced off the sand cum soil and trucks careered around almost non stop. They all returned my waves and thumbs up, such a friendly crowd truckers aren't they, a few  people on the buses could take lessons but then they do have the hassle of passengers who can be a bit of a pain eh. Got oodles of video enough for two volumes, there was eve  a pub nearby to have a lunchr9imne Guinness and then start again while Mandy watched with her lemonade on the terrace. There was supposed to be smugglers tunnels running from underneath the pub to the other pub near the railway, oh well, there are tales like this everywhere. We visited Felixstowe seafront, very nice indeed, superb ice cream ( from Cornwall). Yep highly recommended join me through the week for rest of the visit which as you will see from photos includes Norwich, we also did Kings Lynn. Today we were at the fenland RSPB sanctuary and were watching Marsh Harriers, Bitterns, Reed Warblers etc, twitchers out in force as there were a couple of rarities there. Dull, overcast, warmish back in Cheshire

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