Tuesday, October 20, 2009


although Neath gave me a chance to see South Wales Transport buses there seemed to be a lot more on the motorway as I headed back to the Ramada but I couldn't discern where they were bound, school working perhaps

The Wright streetcars were in Swansea operating as Metro, an infrequent service , pavement had raised platforms to give level access. The bus scene seemed very thin on the ground with the demolition of the old bus station. Work on the new one was ongoing, more than in Newport.

The out of town workings were banished to the side of a supermarket behind the building site, not the best of environments.
Mandy got home from Egypt last night, I picked her up from the airport about 10.30 pm, she was a bit jaded this morning with several urgent jobs to do like get DVD disc stock and look at new gas fires.

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