Sunday, March 18, 2007


birthday dinner!
Ipswish yesterday

a frustrating morning trying to list new DVDs on the ebay shop, it blocked my attempts, something to do with ebay / paypal links, strange after nearly a year and already did two listings earlier, anyone ever tried getting any sense out of them. You get a call centre in Bombay and a load of rubbish. In protest I am de listings all non dvd items, I can sell more cheaply and pleasurably at rallies this coming season.

Anyway been out and chopped down overgown flax plant and washed the cars, weather diabolical, wet, cold, wind, hail, get the picture.

Photo of my birthday meal, courtesy Mandy, traditional British dish of course.

Talking of matters British how about conbsidering a boycott of the USA, unless of course you are already one of the many who object to British people being treated like criminals at American airports. Wild horse wouldn't get me to even transit the wretched place.

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