Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Yes another outfit caught my wroth today although the ebay / paypal rumpus still goes on with me being unable to list anything. Going to work via diversion due to road works blocking whole Plumley Moor Rd for a week you have to queue for ages to turn on to main road into Knutsford, here they have carefully located a short strech of hole in the road works with temp lights, this morning the hit the jackpot, the lights wouldn't change, we all sat for 30 minutes before someone up the front got up courage to go through against the red.

This is just one small event in the life of Cheshire councils, this week in the local rag we read that they are refusing to take a wheelie bin as it was issued by another council, they've emptied it for the last year though, now they want an identical one issued with a different badge on it!!

Wods fail though on Liverpool, Paradise st bus station stands hardly used cut off from the city , the building site has all but destroyed business in the city, what will be left for European year of culture, if you speak to the locals, they hate it all. Anyway got an hours filming done without incident in nice sunny weather. Anyway Mandy did some nice baking , had homemade soup, homemade bread and later home made scones. Missed Emmerdale and Corrie due to row with ebay, hate them even more now.
Finished DVD 320 Glasgow bus scenes from 1986 by Richard Lomas through to 1989 / 90 by Dave Cole.

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