Monday, February 11, 2008


Worcest on Saturday, a bit on the quiet side in reality

Today I delisted the model bus plans I'd put on ebay after being threatened by someone as they supposedly contravened ebays copyright policy, as I bought them direct from supplier about 30 years ago why can't I re sell them if I want, its like someone selling second hand DVDs of mine, as long as they aren't copying them to sell. Ther are some mean spirited people, anyway I've burnt them all, about 100 4m bus plans and about 100 modelcraft 1950s plans, so sod em all.

There are some nice Southern railway items listed which I won't destroy, well not today anyway.

I've just finished 1995 Canadian trucks through the rockies DVD, putting clip on YouTube, yes i know I said I wouldn't but I haven't had much abuse lately so I'll give it a try again. Wish someone would dip their hands in their pockets, a third of a million hits and I bet only a dozen sold through Youtube, tight gits.

Mandy is due back very late tonight.

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