today we start with the road construction from Tirana to Kosovo, this has eaten up a big chunk of the Albanian budget, covered not by a toll but by putting extra tax on fuel which has annoyed people in the south a long way from the tunnel

there were still several sections which were being constructed especially where large civil engineering projects like bridges were required

at the tunnel the driver on our bus carried out minor repairs to keep us going whilst we awaited our turn through the one carriagewayay of one tunnel which was open, rumours that there had been a collapse in one of the tunnels

not the most flattering shot by the bus but the next shot is at the Tirana restaurant we frequented at night.

this is the centre of Tirana where the main square equal to Trafalgar Sq in London is located, building work all around

it was a 100 years since the birth of Albanian born Mother Theresa famous for her work amongst Calcutta slums, guess there is a lot of similar work to be done in Albania especially amongst the Roma.
at home we went to the Three Greyhounds last night, a hedgehog was sniffing around the garden when we got back. Hold ups with the DVD burner again, Siren are sending a replacement programme and helping to upload the Edius upgrade which will speed up DVD production. Nevertheless should have the Albanian truck clip on Youtube tonight. Busy at work, contracts and enquiries from all directions.
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