I enjoyed the CDs that George from the Three Greyhounds loaned me, top brass band music with beautiful cornet player. This makes an irksome journey go all the quicker, also on Saturday mornings I listen to as much as possible to Radio 2's Sounds of the 60s with Brian Matthews at 8am. Lincoln had a nice enough mix of buses although Stagecoach of course predominates like mad with old and new in equal parts, well perhaps more old, I'm not sure. Quite a sprinkling of other operators whose drivers were the more friendly. This morning Simon from Siren is due ho9me to fix my editing computer, fingers crossed. I must nip down to ASDA this morning and collect last batch of digitised negs, I finally managed to sort out the boxes of photo sales stock and what i need to top them up for the start of the bus rally season. I did get quirte a few more trimmed and filed yersterday evbening. Watched a repeat of the comedy greats programme on Max Miller, should have been Arthur Haynes though, mix up in TV Times, still very enjoyable. Not a lot I like on telly Sunday nights these days.
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