The pictures are all finished on Best Ever Bournemouth Trolleybuses and now the sound is almost complete, the cover is ready so it should be available next week.

The seagulls are there along with the 'singing' wires and frogs.. photo again courtesy Photobus, which makes me think how quiet it will be setting up at Boyle St in December instaed of competing with Arnold Richardson for access, it never mattered how early I got there, Arnold would always have squeezed his large car right down to his tables, then complain about the heater warping his photos! Still we miss them when there are gone. Next we have a London B type bus circa 1914, an Airfix model, for sale on my e bay site this week, no offers yet so hurry, Airfix went bust this year, happy childhood memories of glue and paint, made everything from Henry VIII through to Spitfires.These buses even went off to the front in the 1st World War, Old Bill they were called, painted brown khaki. Then lets recall that Sunday in the potteries, I must get the DVD done for the event. The next archive feature will probably still be the London Trolleybus then Swifts / Merlins and possibly then London Country. Somewhere along the line Alan Mortimers Australian film may see more releases, there are some wonderful scenes. The blog is picking up visitors worldwide, remember for US you can view the DVDs on your computer even without a multi format DVD which of course is the very best option.
The temperature was down to -3 this morning, still busy getting plants into the greenhouse, the heater is back on , the dahlias are all dead now, just two weeks ago it was a garden of colour, still at least the days however short are bright and sunny

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